Top 15: Facts About the Illuminati Conspiracy

You’ve heard of the Illuminati, but do you know who they are or what they do? Here are 15 facts about the Illuminati conspiracy to show you that this conspiracy theory is more fact than fiction. 1. Illuminati is a Latin word meaning “enlightened ones.” The Illuminati is a group of individuals who believe that they are more enlightened than everybody else. When Adam Weishaupt organized the Bavarian Illuminati on May 1, 1776, he intended …

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Top 16: Bug-Out Bag Essentials

When you find yourself in the midst of an emergency or catastrophic natural disaster, you want to make sure you’re not running around at the last second trying to remember things you need to pack when what you should be doing is grabbing a pre-packed bag and getting the heck out of dodge. This list will help you remember everything you need before you’re in the middle of a frantic evacuation during a crisis. These …

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Top 19: Bizarre Mormon Beliefs

As of 2010, just under 14 million people were adherents of the Mormon faith. That may sound like a hefty number, but it’s just a drop in the proverbial bucket compared to Christianity, which touts more than two billion adherents. The number of people practicing Mormonism is quite close to the number of practicing Judaism, and there are plenty of popular misconceptions about both faiths. Mormonism is a religion that has its roots in the …

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Top 50: Cheesy Pickup Lines

You’re out for the evening, enjoying some food and drink with friends. Isn’t it wonderful to actually have some fun for once, you think to yourself as you look furtively at the other patrons. And then, seemingly from out of nowhere, comes the end of your good time. He is strutting toward you with that smug, self-assured air that only works in romance novels. In real life, it translates 100 percent of the time into …

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Top 8: Unsolved Mysteries

Some mysteries are thousands of years old and others only date back to 1979, but they still offer people many reasons to speculate about their meaning. This invites people to suggest their own explanations for these unsolved mysteries, and if one cannot be proven to be right, people may continue to offer conspiracy theories and inferences alike for these unsolved mysteries for some time to come. 1. Jack the Ripper The serial killer who committed …

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Top 10: Drinking Games

Drinking games are a great way to socialize, laugh and generally have a good time. There are classic drinking games of skill or inquiry and also games tied to pop culture. The most important thing is to have fun, but set your rules ahead of time; there might be too much silliness later to make such decisions. For example, do players take a sip or a full shot for each drink? That decision might depend …

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Top 20: Shocking Coincidences

Over the years, there have been many amazing coincidences that defy all rational explanation. These coincidences continue to fascinate people around the world. Here are the most shocking coincidences that have been verified: 1. James Dean’s car curse Legendary actor James Dean was killed in a tragic car accident in September 1955. The following events took place after his death, all involving the Porsche that he was driving: a. The car was towed from the …

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Top 10: Freemason Secrets

Freemasonry connotes generations of firm tradition, the Celtic cultures of Ireland and Scotland, and whispers of closed doors, secrecy and scandal. Many organizations use rituals to increase the allure of the group and to separate the novices from the initiates. However, the Freemasons seem to have particularly attracted the rabid fascination of today’s cultural scholars and conspiracy theorists. Although it is difficult to verify their veracity, here is our best guess at the top 10 …

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Top 10: Common Interview Questions (and How To Answer Them)

The interview process can be a daunting task, but many job positions and academic offers require at least one interview. Some interviewers will ask a completely random question that defies all of your careful preparations, but there are some tried and true questions that continue to make an appearance in most interview sessions. Knowing these top ten questions and how to answer them can help you ace an important interview. 10. What kind of compensation …

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Top 15: Things Happy People Do Differently

The secret to happiness is not an arcane scientific formula nor can it be found at the bottom of some bubbling elixir of joy. True happiness already exists within you; you need to find your own key to unlock it. If you want to create your own path to joy, adopt and emulate the habits of the happy people next to you on the bus or waiting in line with you at the grocery store. …

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