The leafy seadragon, Phycodurus eques

The 12 Most Bizarre and Interesting Creatures Found in the Ocean

The ocean is home to various fascinating and often bizarre creatures. From deep-sea dwellers with otherworldly appearances to creatures with extraordinary survival adaptations, the diversity of marine life is truly astounding. In this article, we’ll dive into the ocean’s depths to explore 12 of the most peculiar and captivating creatures that inhabit its waters. 1. The Blobfish: Known for its unique, gelatinous appearance, it resides in the deep waters off the coasts of Australia and …

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25 Facts about Surfing

June 21 is the day we celebrate International Surfing Day. With that in mind, we present to you 25 facts about surfing that may just encourage you to get out there, take a lesson, catch a wave, or simply watch some surfers as they engage in this global phenomenon. “Hang Loose”, and have a great day!!! 1. Surfing was first written about by a fellow named Joseph Banks during the third voyage of Captain James …

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20 Facts about the Oceans

In this article we are going to focus on some interesting, previously unknown facts about the oceans and marine life. Oceans are the driving motor behind life on Earth and mankind. They hold around 97% of the water on our planet and they are very important for our daily lives, since they produce most of the oxygen in the atmosphere. The World Oceans Day, which is celebrated each 8th of June, is the day when …

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