Top 10: Cases of Flights That Have Been Missing for Decades

The missing of flight MH 370 from Malasya Airlines has re-launched the debate and concern about accidents of commercial passenger flights. Unfortunately, this is not the only tragic occurrence involving the loss of a substantial number of lives. Research and information given to the public is confused, distorted and somewhat chaotic. In this Top 10 of disappeared flights, we will let you known chronologically air occurrences that have haunted the history of world aviation. Fasten …

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Top 15: Facts About the Illuminati Conspiracy

You’ve heard of the Illuminati, but do you know who they are or what they do? Here are 15 facts about the Illuminati conspiracy to show you that this conspiracy theory is more fact than fiction. 1. Illuminati is a Latin word meaning “enlightened ones.” The Illuminati is a group of individuals who believe that they are more enlightened than everybody else. When Adam Weishaupt organized the Bavarian Illuminati on May 1, 1776, he intended …

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Top 8: Unsolved Mysteries

Some mysteries are thousands of years old and others only date back to 1979, but they still offer people many reasons to speculate about their meaning. This invites people to suggest their own explanations for these unsolved mysteries, and if one cannot be proven to be right, people may continue to offer conspiracy theories and inferences alike for these unsolved mysteries for some time to come. 1. Jack the Ripper The serial killer who committed …

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Top 20: Shocking Coincidences

Over the years, there have been many amazing coincidences that defy all rational explanation. These coincidences continue to fascinate people around the world. Here are the most shocking coincidences that have been verified: 1. James Dean’s car curse Legendary actor James Dean was killed in a tragic car accident in September 1955. The following events took place after his death, all involving the Porsche that he was driving: a. The car was towed from the …

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Top 10: Freemason Secrets

Freemasonry connotes generations of firm tradition, the Celtic cultures of Ireland and Scotland, and whispers of closed doors, secrecy and scandal. Many organizations use rituals to increase the allure of the group and to separate the novices from the initiates. However, the Freemasons seem to have particularly attracted the rabid fascination of today’s cultural scholars and conspiracy theorists. Although it is difficult to verify their veracity, here is our best guess at the top 10 …

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