Top 10: Deadliest Tsunamis in History

The concern for the human race increases day by day as man and nature conflicts. We develop all sorts of medicines and protections so that we could have a longer and prosperous life. We think we have got everything under control but when nature decides to strike, we are just as helpless as any other creature. Natural disasters and hazards are things we all are familiar with, be it earthquakes, landslides, blizzards or cyclones. But …

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Top 21: Natural Disasters Recorded for Humanity

It is believed that the Universe was created from a cataclysmic explosion, our solar system was itself created in the chaos of clouds of gas and residues from explosions of distant and ancient stars. Our home planet was itself the result of a series of cataclysms at tremendous scale, and it is thanks to such cataclysms that emerged water, atmosphere and a moon, and consequently the ideal conditions for the development of life and its …

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