Top 49: Famous People That Died Young

There are a lot of stars that had their light out at a very early stage, in their lives. In the majority of the cases, so much talent potential was wasted; that there is still today, a feeling of great loss when remembering those that were gone way too soon. On this top I will number 49 famous people that passed way too early and despite numbered, there is no particular order of importance. All …

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Top 50: Quotes of the Dark Side of Politics

The mass media have a great power over the population, and the politics know that, and use them more than anyone. They play a key role for the development of public opinion and the formation of ideologies. See this list of 50 quotes that have become controversial, making story. The order is random. 1. George Orwell 2. Ernest Hemingway 3. Anais Nin 4. Pat Robertson 5. Jiddu Krishnamurti 6. Thomas Merton 7. Aldous Huxley 8. …

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Top 50: World Highest-Paid Athletes

Good athletes have to always be at the top of their game. I mean, they always have to excel at what they are doing in order to be the best. They have to push further and further every time, if they want to achieve the top. It is hard to be the first at something. However, they do have a great incentive. As you will be able to see from this top – the top …

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Top 22: Highest Paid Jobs of the Future

It is unthinkable to consider that today’s highest paid jobs, such as: banking, law or stockbroking will remain the best paid jobs of the future. If there is any truth to what leading futurologists tell us, there will be a whole range of new professions in 10 to 20 years’ time. If in one hand, job titles that do not exist now, such as a “vertical farmer” or a “body part maker”, could be mainstream …

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Top 10: Most Followed Celebrities in Facebook (March / 2014)

10. Linkin Park – Musician # followers (millions): 60 9. Lady Gaga – Musician # followers (millions): 64 8. Justin Bieber – Musician # followers (millions): 64 7. Katy Perry – Musician # followers (millions): 66 6. Vin Diesel – Actor # followers (millions): 70 5. Michael Jackson – Musician # followers (millions): 72 4. Cristiano Ronaldo – Athlete – Soccer # followers (millions): 76 3. Eminem – Musician # followers (millions): 84 2. Rihanna …

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Top 10: Cases of Flights That Have Been Missing for Decades

The missing of flight MH 370 from Malasya Airlines has re-launched the debate and concern about accidents of commercial passenger flights. Unfortunately, this is not the only tragic occurrence involving the loss of a substantial number of lives. Research and information given to the public is confused, distorted and somewhat chaotic. In this Top 10 of disappeared flights, we will let you known chronologically air occurrences that have haunted the history of world aviation. Fasten …

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The 10 Most Effective Techniques for Job-Hunting

Finding a job in today´s horrible economy, it is not an easy task. Traditional methods, such as sending resumes, posting ads or resorting to agencies are simply not enough! Employers have become more and more demanding when it comes to choosing human resources. They are looking for smart, innovative people, which will bring added value to their organization. Put like this job-hunting looks more like an impossible task rather than a difficult one, right? Do …

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Top 15: Rules Of Facebook Etiquette

Facebook . . . a wonderful tool for staying connected with family and friends. That is, unless the people you’re connected to are constantly breaking these rules of facebook etiquette, in which case, reading your Facebook timeline becomes less entertaining, and more… 1. Vaguebooking “Wondering if it is all worth it.” “Thinking that was a bad idea.” 2. Humblebragging “I hate it when people on the street ask me if I’m a model.” “I’m a …

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Top 19: Bizarre Mormon Beliefs

As of 2010, just under 14 million people were adherents of the Mormon faith. That may sound like a hefty number, but it’s just a drop in the proverbial bucket compared to Christianity, which touts more than two billion adherents. The number of people practicing Mormonism is quite close to the number of practicing Judaism, and there are plenty of popular misconceptions about both faiths. Mormonism is a religion that has its roots in the …

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Top 10: Freemason Secrets

Freemasonry connotes generations of firm tradition, the Celtic cultures of Ireland and Scotland, and whispers of closed doors, secrecy and scandal. Many organizations use rituals to increase the allure of the group and to separate the novices from the initiates. However, the Freemasons seem to have particularly attracted the rabid fascination of today’s cultural scholars and conspiracy theorists. Although it is difficult to verify their veracity, here is our best guess at the top 10 …

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