It is unthinkable to consider that today’s highest paid jobs, such as: banking, law or stockbroking will remain the best paid jobs of the future. If there is any truth to what leading futurologists tell us, there will be a whole range of new professions in 10 to 20 years’ time.
If in one hand, job titles that do not exist now, such as a “vertical farmer” or a “body part maker”, could be mainstream professions, in much the same way that social media consultants have emerged in the past five years; on the other hand there are current professions which will have a higher importance in the future.
This post want to help those youngest and give them a range of different options that are set to become the highest paid jobs in the future. Start researching how you can achieve this job positions and get ready to become a rich person in a nearby future.
I have to tell you guys, that for me – which I am no longer a spring chicken – some of these job options do make me wonder, how the hell we got to this point so quickly.
Please notice that despite of numbering the options there is no specific order to them.
Enough talk; let’s get cracking with the top:
1. Logistician
For instance, whenever we go to the supermarket we can find everything in its place, where it should be, right? But do we know it all got there? That would through the work of logistician. They use complex computer software to make the process more efficient and to enable everything to run smoothly. In the future, and mainly due to current global economic situation, companies want to streamline products and cut costs and will hire logisticians to do that.
2. Ethical Hacker
This really sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t? But what happens is that companies are hiring hacker to hack into their systems and thus correct any security breaches that are committed. Now it is possible to become a certified ethical hacker.
3. Actuary
An actuary can predict risk down to the last number through math and statistics to analyze financial consequences of risk, for mainly, banks, insurance companies, consulting firms and the government. It is predicted a huge shift in this profession, in direction to different industry, such as the medical industry.
4. Epidemiologist
These are disease wizards which work consists in discovering the cause of diseases and ailments, among other tasks, for hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and research labs. There will be a growth in the demand for this profession as more and more the government is hiring them to come up with the best preventive health-care measures.
5. Front-end Engineer
Also called front end web developers are the ones responsible for what you see online today. In addition, to writing the code that is necessary they also have to come up with ideas to make things as user-friendly as possible. The way that companies will interact with their online customers can determine future success. So who do you think that they will call to make websites more efficient and intuitive? That is why it is foreseen a considerable increase in the demand for this profession.
6. Food Chemist
Their main task is to develop and improve the taste and texture of food. This profession will in high demand in the future how it is predicted that will be 3D printers that will cook our food in the future, we only have to insert the ingredient “cartridges” and diner will be served. It sounds yummy doesn’t?
7. Digital Architects
They design a selection of virtual buildings for retailers and advertisers to market their products.
8. Home Carer
It helps to care for elderly people in their own homes.
9. Elderly well-being consultant
It specializes in holistic and specialized care for the elderly.
10. Body part maker
It creates living body parts for athletes and soldiers.
11. Nano-medic
It creates very small implants for health monitoring and self-medication.
12. Vertical Farmer
Farms crops will be upwards rather than across flat fields, in order to save space.
13. Waste data handler
It will dispose of your waste date in a responsible manner.
14. Climate controller
It manages and modifies weather patterns.
15. Avatar manager
Designs and manages holograms of virtual people
16. Memory augmentation surgeon
It helps preserving and improving memory in an ageing population.
17. Time broker
It handles time banked by customers instead of money for goods or services.
18. Personal branding manager
It develops and manages your personal brand.
19. Child designer
It designs offspring’s accordingly to parental requirements.
20. Omnipotence delimiter
It reins in our belief that everything is possible and we are all-powerful.
21. Personal medical apothecary
It provides a bespoke range of alternative therapies.
22. Haptic programmer
It develops technology around the science of touch, such as gloves that make your hands feel warm or wrapped in velvet.
Despite how scary some of the professions might be, I have to admit that the future looks promising.
My favorite one is the child designer. Who knows that if in the future, Hitler’s vision might become a reality and one will be able to create the perfect race, or not!