Top 15: Berries to Improve Your Health

Berries are a delicious complement to any diet. But the taste is not the only reason to consume them. They have many qualities that help maintain good health.

Pay attention to these super fruits, and certainly you will consider including them in your diet:

1. Açaí Berry

The main characteristic of this fruit is the content of anthocyanins, antioxidant nutrients, to which is attributed the ability to inhibit the oxidation processes generated by free radicals in the body, having an important role in protecting against some diseases.

In this regard, supplement the diet with antioxidants of Açaí Berries increases the protection against cardiovascular diseases, eye problems, oxidative stress, immune system, cell aging, etc..

2. Acerola Cherry


Presents antioxidant properties, also stimulates the synthesis of collagen, a key component to maintaining healthy bones and connective tissues.

Also combat fatigue, nervous exhaustion and stress, as well as having anti-infective properties.

Due to its richness in minerals, acerola is a good remineralizing.

It is effective in preventing diseases like cancer and heart problems.

It is also indicated to aid in cases of lung diseases, treatment of dysentery, wound healing, colds, nasal and gums bleeding, muscle aches, rheumatism, anemia, liver disease and diets for people recovering from physical exhaustion or malnutrition, among others.

3. Aronia / Chokeberry


Considered “the healthiest fruit in the world” from the nutritional point of view, the aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) has one of the highest rates ORAC (oxygen radical absorbency capacity), a high antioxidant potency, three times more than blueberries.

It is the fruit with the highest concentration of antioxidants, far surpassing the existing contents in goji, açai and grape. The Aronia is the most potent natural antioxidant and when consumed regularly, slows cellular aging and improves the appearance of the skin, keeping it young longer.

Antioxidants protect skin by neutralizing the action of free radicals, reduce wrinkles and calm inflamed skin, leaving it toned and healthy. The Aronia is known to improve blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels due to the presence of flavonoids venotonics.

4. Blackberry


Full of vitamin C, blueberries also contain ellagic acid, an important phytonutrient that protects the skin from harmful UV rays. Ellagic acid also prevents the degradation of collagen in the skin that occurs as we age. The degradation of collagen is associated with the formation of wrinkles and aging skin.

5. Blueberry


Blueberries are a powerful source of phytonutrients. Contain salicylic acid, ellagic acid, quercetin, catechins and anthocyanins.

If the last one sounds familiar, it’s normal because we find it in aspirin. That’s right-the blueberries contain natural aspirin, offered by Mother Nature without contraindications or side effects. It is also proved that blueberries help prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases.

6. Cranberry


Rich in phytochemicals, particularly tannins, these fruits are a powerful antioxidant, with anti-inflammatory properties.

Apart from preventing urinary infections, recent studies suggest that cranberries prevent the emergence of ulcers and gout.

Tannins inhibit the formation of bad cholesterol and protect the body from atherosclerosis. They are also rich source of vitamin C and D and contain potassium and iron.

7. Goji Berry


Rich in anti-oxidant properties, including potential benefits against cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases, vision problems, neurological and immune system.

It is an anti-aging fruit par excellence, increasing energy levels, helping the digestive process and weight loss – because it is so concentrated, eaten in small quantities makes you feel satisfied and well nourished.

The amino acids in these small berries stimulate the functioning of white blood cell up to 300%, making it very difficult for those who consume them to have cold or flu.

One of the latest discoveries about the benefits of Goji berries is its ability to improve insulin levels in diabetics.

Goji berries also have the property to make you laugh and smile all day. So some call them happy or smiling berry.

8. Maqui Berry

The maqui berry has more antioxidant levels than any other food. This makes the maqui berry the ultimate superfood. Antioxidants work to supercharge the immune system. They repair cells against damage caused by free radicals (toxins).

Not only protects the body from minor illnesses like cold and flu, as antioxidants play an important role in the defense against chronic diseases like cancer, arthritis, and hardening of the arteries.

9. Noni Berry


Sometimes called Indian mulberry, noni contains about 160 natural plant compounds called phytochemicals. These include chemicals called glycosides, organic acids, alkaloids and terpenes.

Some of these compounds can inhibit the growth of bacteria, including those that cause tuberculosis and salmonella infections. Noni components may also have anti-cancer properties and can stimulate the immune system, helping to suppress the growth of cancer.

10. Raspberry


It contains a major component that is 10 times more effective to relieve inflammation than aspirin. Contains ellagic acid, a phytonutrient that protects against pollutants found in processed foods, cigarettes smoke and can neutralize some cancer causing substances before they harm healthy cells. Are delicious in a fruit salad, or on top of a green salad.

11. Strawberry


More than delicious, strawberries help prevent many diseases. Not only does it contains more vitamin C than an orange, as they are a source of antioxidants.

If you want to prevent heart disease, arthritis, memory loss, wrinkles or cancer, this fruit helps. Also they are very easy to introduce a diet, may become part of the food on a regular basis.

12. Cherry


The Cherries have many health benefits, such as: strengthening immunity, relief from infections, anti-aging action, facilitator of good digestion, etc..

Cherries are also a source of antioxidants, full of vitamin C and flavonoids. They effectively neutralize free radicals and protect us from all diseases associated with aging or derived from the action of oxidants, such as weakening of the heart and nervous system, loss of vision, muscular degeneration, loss of hair, wrinkling skin, loss of libido, cancer of the colon and prostate, insomnia, nervous disorders and many others.

The more dark cherries are, healthier and beneficial they will be, because they are richer in antioxidants.

Fructose gives them this power without harming patients with diabetes. They prevent oral infections and keep away bad breath. Acids and Flavonoids cherries are efficient in protecting against seasonal infections such as coughs and colds, chicken pox, mumps, measles, etc.

13. Elderberry


Elder berry contains flavonoids, organic acids, anthocyanin, reducing sugars, this apart of pectin, tannins and vitamins A and C as well as mineral elements.

The extract of the berry, it has laxative properties. The juice is a great remedy for migraines and nerve pain.

14. Blackcurrant


Blackcurrant contains gamma-linolenic acid, which inhibits histamine from the body – the allergic response to the reaction to pollens.

Blackcurrant even helps prevent or eliminate nasal congestion and itching of view linked to allergies. Once they are slightly acidic, can enjoy the currants mixed with other fruits.

15. Loganberry

A sort of crossing between blackberries and raspberries, these fruits strengthen blood vessels, making it a great contribution to combating heart disease or varicose veins. Contain rutin, which strengthens and improves circulation.

Each time we live a more and more accelerated lifestyle, always running around from one side to the other, making stress levels increasing exponentially.

So, care must be taken to avoid all damages. And the solution is available to us all, in these berries and its antioxidant properties offered by Mother Nature.

Health Disclaimer: The above content is for your information only and may not be regarded as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based merely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.