25 Interesting Facts about Turtles

Since 2000, May 23 – World Turtle Day, is sponsored yearly by the nonprofit corporation American Tortoise Rescue. The idea is to bring attention to, and increase knowledge of and respect for, turtles and tortoises and encourage human action to help them survive and thrive. This day is celebrated worldwide in a variety ways, dressing up as turtles or wearing green summer dresses, saving turtles caught on highways, or research activities. So why not know …

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15 of the Most Endangered Species in the World

Endangered species are those considered to be at risk of extinction, meaning that there are so few left of their kind that they could disappear from the planet altogether. Endangered species are threatened by factors such as habitat loss, hunting, disease and climate change, and usually, endangered species, have a declining population or a very limited range. According to the World Wildlife Federation (WWF), 15 of the most endangered species (and classified as “Critically Endangered” …

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