45 Facts about Orcas (Killer Whales)

Orcas, also known as killer whales, are one of the world’s most majestic and fascinating marine mammals. They are the largest member of the dolphin family and are known for their intelligence, social behavior, and hunting skills. This article will explore 45 interesting facts about Orcas that you may not have known before.   Orcas, also known as killer whales, are known to be powerful predators in the wild. Due to their magnitude and intelligence, …

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16 Intriguing Facts about Goblet Cells

1. The function of the goblet cell is to secrete gel forming mucins, which are the major component of mucus. 2. The goblet cell secretes mucus in two different ways: through basal secretion and stimulated secretion. Basal secretion is the normal level of secretion of mucus, which is accomplished by cytoskeletal movement of secretory granules. Stimulated secretion is secretion that is stimulated by something, like smoke or dust. Other stimuli include bacteria, viruses, and so …

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25 Interesting Facts about Elephants

Latest news reported that the world lost one of the oldest and largest bull elephants who lived in Kenya’s Tsavo Conservation area. Satao was known by his enormously long tusks, which were so big that they could touch the ground. Satao was estimated to be about 45 years old and was killed by an ivory poacher’s poisoned arrow, who hacked off the elephant’s face and taken his ivory to feed the seemingly insatiable demand for …

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25 Interesting Facts about Bats

Bats are incredible mammals that make up a quarter of all mammal species on Earth. Let’s meet some interesting facts about bats! 1. Bats have extremely elongated fingers and a wing membrane stretched between, and they are the only mammals truly capable of actual flight. 2. Over 1,000 species of bats can be found all over the planet and vary in color and size. 3. Bats mainly consume insects and serve as a natural pest …

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25 Interesting Facts about Turtles

Since 2000, May 23 – World Turtle Day, is sponsored yearly by the nonprofit corporation American Tortoise Rescue. The idea is to bring attention to, and increase knowledge of and respect for, turtles and tortoises and encourage human action to help them survive and thrive. This day is celebrated worldwide in a variety ways, dressing up as turtles or wearing green summer dresses, saving turtles caught on highways, or research activities. So why not know …

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Top 20: of the Most Amazing Butterflies in the World

Butterflies are the most familiar of insects to humans, due to their vivid colors and visits to flowers. There are about 18,000 species of butterflies in the world. Some species of butterflies are agents of pollination of some plants, caterpillars of a few butterflies eat harmful insects, however there are species that are pests due to their ability to damage domestic crops or trees in their larval stages. There are butterflies that have symbiotic and …

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Top 10: World’s Most Venomous Snakes

About a third of adult humans have a snake phobia (ophidiophobia). Even if you’re not terrified of snakes, chances are you would jump like an acrobat if a snake were to slither unexpectedly between your legs while walking through tall grass. Scientists have found that humans were hardwired to fear snakes during our evolutionary process. And that may not be such a bad thing because there are plenty of snakes that can kill a human …

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Top 10: Largest Felines

One of the most popular felid is the domestic cat, that has being associated with humans about 10,000 years ago. However, the Felidae family include all other wild cats, including the “big cats”, a term commonly used to refer large wild cats. The several species of cat are quite similar, in structure and behavior, despite of the enormous differences in size. All cats are carnivores and efficient apex predators. What is it about the big …

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Top 10: Most Venomous Spiders

Spider… A lot of people gets terrified just to hear the word spider. In fact, they are not the most cuddly looking creatures and some of them can really kill people! They are everywhere, and you may not know it but, there is always a spider within a few feet of you at any one time! There are so many different spider species, approximately 40,000 world wide, that it’s hard to figure out which ones …

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19 Facts about Penguins

Did you know that April 25 of each year is the World Penguin Day? To celebrate this day, Toplst decided to present you a list with some interesting facts about these charismatic seabirds. Penguins seem a bit out of place on land, with their “fashion tuxedos” and clumsy waddling. And then they enter into the water and you see their grace and think for yourself “that’s where they’re meant to be!”. 1. Depending on which …

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