Worldwide, thousands of marine animals are caught in the fishing nets. Almost one thousand whales, dolphins, and porpoises die every day in nets and fishing gear. This is one of the greatest global threat to cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises). It is estimated that more than 300,00 cetaceans are killed by fishing gear every year.
It is very common to hear stories of sea turtles, whales, dolphins, manta ray and other marine animals entangled in fishing nets “forgotten” in the ocean, causing serious injury and, in most cases, death of these amazing animals. Some of these are lucky enough to cross with people willing to save a life, and next we present you some videos of rescued animals trapped in fishing nets.
Order: random.
1. Giant Leatherback Sea Turtle trapped in fishing nets
2. Green Sea Turtle entangled in fishing line in Hawaii
3. Manta Ray with fishing line wrapped around her pectoral fin in Philippines
4. Humpback Whale entangled in fishing nets
5. Whale Shark trapped in fishing net in Indonesia
6. Manta Ray with fishing line wrapped around her pectoral fin
7. Whale Shark with a large rope cinched around it’s girth
8. Two adult females and three young Sperm Whales entangled in a driftnet